Your Brain Isn’t Broken.

You are smart and intelligent.

So, if you could “figure out”


you are feeling and acting

in a way that you don’t want to be

you would have done it.

It’s true: Nothing can change by repeating what is not working.

Are you Ready to Do Something Different?

Experiential Psychotherapy & Somatic Bodywork

Hi, I’m Randi.

It’s normal to be conflicted about starting therapy, especially if you tend to cringe at the idea of asking for and receiving help in general, let alone personal life matters.

In therapy with me, we take a careful look at the thoughts in your mind and tension in your body that stop access to the feelings that flow through, blocking you from being able to actually feel them.

I’m trained in a variety of evidence-based, dynamic therapies that support me in getting to know you in a deeper way and help you see where you hold yourself back. Also, as a long time Bodyworker, I’m skilled at incorporating therapeutic touch when it’s more important to get out of your head and connect in your body, if this is your jam.

I provide no nonsense therapy and in working together, I will help you notice what gets in the way of you living the life you want and creating the inner stamina you need to make changes towards your longed for goals.

Dynamic. Experiential. Somatic. Relational. Therapy

Talk Therapy focused on the Here and Now experience, expanding Self-Awareness.

Great for recognizing anxiety, clarifying thoughts and feeling feelings in real time.

Therapy is not simply a conversation but a process that highlights an internal conflict.

Individual Therapy brings attention to where emotions, understanding and actions intersect, so you can make conscious changes towards how you want

to think, feel and act.

Somatic Bodywork focuses directly on Regulating the Nervous System and the Breath through awareness of the Body and gentle, yet firm Therapeutic Touch inviting a sense of safety and space inside and out.