Therapy with Randi

Growing up as a sensitive one in the middle of NYC, I learned to be productive and responsive to the needs of others while pushing mine off to the side. Landing in Northern California in my adult years equipped me with tools necessary to step into my body and explore my inner world,  gaining understanding of the interplay between emotions and mind and the influence this has in realizing worldly desires. I bring 2 decades of experience as a Body/Energy worker to my Los Angeles-based psychotherapy practice.

When I'm not digging into the depths with people, I can be found staring at the ocean, swing dancing or drinking coffee.


Psychotherapy is a way to explore the greater themes in your life surrounding Love, Meaning, Acceptance. I’m depth-oriented, yet eclectic.  I want to help you understand and know on a deep level: What makes you tick. How you think. What you feel.  While we also get into the body- the breath, the sensations- where emotions are held. In the end, the goal is to gain insight together about what happens behind the scenes during the important aspects of your life - self-talk, relationships, work. You might have some idea of what happens, while another part of you simultaneously turns off, watches YouTube and orders take out. In sessions, we want to bring All of You online, and influence your life decisions from this place.

My Style


I used to think therapy was largely a place where people came to be listened to. While it certainly has its role, I’m no longer this therapist. I am experiential. Sure, I need to have some context for what’s happening for you but the goal is not to drill down into the story. I don’t sit there and silently observe from across the room. I also don’t lead the session. I am directive. I will ask you to turn your attention to certain things as well as ask you about your experience in the moment. I’m listening closely, I might have my eyes closed at some point. When you don’t have an answer, I might guide you and when it’s called for I will sit with you in the sometimes deafening silence. Therapy has moments of levity and clarity. And no therapy client escapes discomfort. The idea is to help you capitalize on your inner resources to stretch into the unknown and be changed by the process.


I’m working off your Mandala, your Hero’s Journey, your Life path, your Living Myth. Who are you as a Being is of value as well as who you are as a Person. As such, the content of your story is not the only thing that’s important. I want to know how you experience yourself in a body. Most people walk around disconnected from the neck down only focusing on “issues” when things are painful and unpleasant. The Body holds what is Unconscious to the Mind. Together, we bring attention to how they influence one another inside you. This involves slowing down the mental part that wants to charge ahead, get things done and accomplish something! Taking our time allows discovery to naturally occur. We boil things down to their raw material - emotional neglect, intense interactions, scary moments. As these are unpacked a shift into a new perspective can take place. Old stories are spun into gold, hence Inner Riches.


My Philosophy