Obsessive, Intrusive Thoughts & Compulsions

Do you ever have one thought or a theme behind thoughts that causes you such intense Anxiety— that you try to DO ANYTHING to NOT Think?

Trying to Think a different thought, Shutting down inside or Doing something to Escape feeling altogether, requires a lot of energy and often leads to other detrimental issues such as Raging and Verbal Abuse, Violence (breaking things, hurting animals or people) and Addiction (alcohol, substances, sex, food, media, etc).

Sometimes an intense pattern of Fearful thoughts are relieved by performing certain actions in a specific manner. For example, to bypass “feeling contaminated”, someone might wash their hair multiple times daily or to get over a breakup, someone might check social media excessively. Other behaviors such as “double-checking” to make sure, judging everything you do as in “winning or losing”, hoarding, and repeating words all can contribute to this situation.

In therapy, together we focus on the Anxiety behind these actions and strategically expose you to the actual fears behind these patterns so you can take back the time and mind space to do what you actually want to be doing.


Get to Sleep


Closeness in Relationships